Praise be to Allaah, O Messenger of Allah be upon Muhammad-e, blessings and peace be upon the forehead and his companions.Both Inside and jinn devils, as well as ordering the evil attacks of egos, ignorance drag us confuses the target. Hereinafter called because in the world of escapism and pride dolayıdır.Bu, heedlessness adıdır.Artık Allaah another win-satisfaction will be instrumental in yeast cling to the reasons people look for ways to lighten the heavy income and himself.Muslim fortress to protect themselves against these attacks, the Prophet-sallallahu alayhi wa sallam-s life built and delivered us to the present day Sunni Sahih hadith scholars and duâlardır.Kalbi glorifying Allah, a Muslim hearts do soften to, is under protection and self- clings to the good pleasure of the Lord ambition to win all occasion.From this point, published works, and have gained a lot of knowledge, competence and appreciated by students "Hısnul-Muslim" in many parts of the world hand in hand with the name Mark and chanting ezberlen-miştir.Yer separate sources has gained importance in the hadiths of this book to anyone who wish would be useful.Useful works aiming to reach you hope to arouse interest in this work of publishing house.Arabic texts in Turkish text to give meaning to errors caused by changing and trying to live it because it is contrary to authentic scientific values avoided. These books such as memorization, he should refrain from violence.Memorization and the correct pronunciation of the Arabic text to be the vibrant enough to provide convenience.Surely success from God.APPLICATION FEATURES *** **** Does not require use of the Internet.* Simple design* Arabic texts